Tips & Tricks

Three Steps to Take to Maintain Your Samplers

Three steps to take to maintain your samplers Our cars wouldn’t run very well if we didn’t fill them with gasoline, change the motor oil, or conduct routine maintenance and repairs. In the same way, your facility’s sampling equipment needs regular preventative maintenance. Proactive and regular [...]

2023-03-01T23:27:23+00:00June 18, 2021|

Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage

Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage Steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) was first developed to recover bitumen from the Alberta’s Canadian oil sands. Bitumen is an especially heavy, tar-like hydrocarbon known for its adhesive qualities. The principal idea behind SAGD is that two parallel horizontal wells are drilled through a reservoir, one above [...]

2023-03-01T23:27:11+00:00June 17, 2021|

Lower Energy Production Costs with Steam Traps

Using Steam to Improve Plant Performance Optimal performance has varying meanings across the plant. For some, cost takes precedence, and for others, system uptime or product quality is the critical priority. Maintaining this balance while meeting ever-changing regulations demands a multi-skilled approach and professional support. Your business requires a partner [...]

2023-03-01T23:27:00+00:00May 18, 2021|
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