Oil Fired Igniters

An oil fired igniter that showcases a compact design with integrated ignition module and ionization flame monitor/burner control with a built-in and convenient flame rod. This product also guarantees electromagnetic compatibility and also does not require on-site high-voltage cabling. Rugged and low maintenance in design, this product is able to accept extra light fuel in propane, butane, natural gas, or diesel forms. This product is also available for marine diesel operation.


  • Compact design with integrated ignition module and ionisation flame monitor/burner control
  • Built-in flame rod, ideally located
  • No high-voltage cable required on site
  • Guaranteed electromagnetic compatibility
  • Rugged, low-maintenance design
  • Sizes ranging from 300 kW to 3.6 MW (1,000,000 BTU/hr to 12,000,000 BTU/hr)
  • Custom outer tube lengths available in 10-mm increments
  • For extra light fuel oil (diesel), dual fuel igniters can also handle either propane/butane or natural gas
  • Extremely tight and long pilot flame – no automatic retraction system typically required
  • Class 1, 2 or 3 oil fired igniters according to NFPA also available
  • Smoke free flame
  • Also available for marine diesel operation


  • Ignition of large coal or heavy fuel oil fired burners in utility boilers

Technical Data

General data  
Oil volume max. 40 kg/h or max. 60 kg/h or max. 80 kg/h
Outer tube diameter 90 mm
Flame length (depending on oil nozzle size) max. 2200 mm
Outer tube length L 360 – 5000 mm
Oil port Rp 3/8, top or bottom
Oil pressure max. 4 barg
Atomising air port Rp 1/4
Atomising air max. 4 barg
Air port Rp 2, rotatable 4 x 90°
Air pressure ≥ 10 mbarg, depending on the outer tube length
Features with integrated ignition module and ionisation flame monitor for
intermittent operation
Power head
Ignition 2 x 7.5 kV, ignition electrode against ignition electrode
Ambient temperature -30 °C to +60 °C
Protection rating IP 54 or IP 65
Model ZAEL2…

1000 kW Ex-zone 1 / 21
General data  
Outer tube length 360 – 5000 mm
Oil port Rp 3/8
Oil pressure max. 4 barg
Atomising air port Rp 1/4
Atomising air max. 4 barg
Features with integrated ignition module and ionisation flame monitor for
intermittent operation
Power head
for zone 1: II 2G Ex d e IIB T4 Gb or II 2 G Ex d e IIC T4 Gb
for zone 21: II 2 D Ex tb IIIC T 130 °C Db
Ignition 2 x 7.5 kV, ignition electrode against ignition electrode
Ambient temperature -20 °C to +60 °C
Protection rating IP 66
Heat release 1000 kW ZAVEX/EL2…

1000 kW Ex-zone 2 / 22
General data  
Outer tube length 360 – 5000 mm
Oil port Rp 3/8, top or bottom
Oil pressure max. 4 barg
Atomising air port
Atomising air max. 4 barg
Features with integrated ignition module and ionisation flame monitor for
intermittent operation
Power head
for zone 2: II 3G Ex nC IIC T5 Gc
for zone 22: II 3D Ex tc IIIC T 100 °C
Ignition 2 x 7.5 kV, ignition electrode against ignition electrode
Ambient temperature -20 °C to +60 °C
Protection rating IP 66
Heat release 1000 kW ZXAEL2…


Additional information


1000 kW, 2800 kW, 300 kW, 3600 kW

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