

The SulfiLoggerTM measures H2S anywhere. The sensor provides superior insights that enable you to adopt a proactive and data-driven approach to odor, corrosion control, chemical injection, in wastewater, biogas, and oil & gas industries.


Measure H2S Anywhere

H2S sensor for reliable insights in rough environments.

The SulfiLogger™ sensor continuously measures H2S directly in wastewater, air, and process gases. The sensor provides reliable insights for data-driven and proactive odor and corrosion control in Wastewater, Biogas, and Oil & Gas industries.


With the SulfiLoggerTM H2S sensor you can:

  • Measure H2S anywhere in rough environments
  • Measure H2S without interruptions
  • Get reliable insights in SCADA/Cloud
  • ATEX, HazLoc, & IECEx (X1 sensors)

With the SulfiLoggerTM H2S sensor’s reliable insights, you can:

  • Increase the lifespan of assets
  • Prevent odors
  • Cost-optimize chemical dosing
  • Manage sulphide issues at the source
  • Optimize processes
  • Improve worker safety
  • Prevent manual sampling


  • Measure H2S anywhere
  • Measure in rough environments with 0-100% humidity and no oxygen
  • Measure in raw wastewater, in humid airier in wet process gases
  • Measure in environments with high temperature and high pressure
  • Get data without interruptions
  • Get continuous data
  • Get long-term data with no need for dry-out time
  • Get data in your SCADA system, in the cloud, or via RS-232


SufliLogger H2S Sensor Brochure | DOWNLOAD

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